Pillars (the following are the key subjects covered. Refer to the two links at the bottom of this page for the "Boilerplate" program and course descriptions)
1. General Studies:
-Execution Instructions (pre-deployment planning) -Situation Report or SITREP (information reporting while overseas) -Trip Report (redeployment summation) -“How To” for air movement, accommodation/work site selection, rental vehicles, runaway cars, registering, etc -Land mine awareness -Basics of survival/survival and emergency kit considerations
2. Tradecraft:
-Passive surveillance techniques -Principles of listening devices/signs of bugging/principles of technical counter surveillance (TSCM) sweeps -Country/threat assessments -Gray man & street smart procedures -Basic Photography -Basic Videography (route) -Anti-Terrorism Force Protection route planning -Corporate Counter Espionage -Wireless battery operated motion sensors/alarms (safe house configuration) -Basics first aid considerations / basic medical planning
3. Communications:
-Voice: mobile (tri-band) phones, sat phone, FM communications -Data: free encrypted email, manual encryption, code words/B-GAN use -Introduction to encryption (cipher wheel, single pad and code word methods)
4. Emergency Drills (principles of):
-IED -Ambush -Sniper -Indirect Fire -Emergency Destruction Methods